Ongoing Support for “Graduates”
It takes time and practice to learn new patterns of communication and interaction.
Once you take a course with me, you join a community of parents and individuals who share an intention to improve and deepen relationships with their loved ones.
Refresher meetings are held regularly for former participants who would like to review, tune up or share experiences in a supportive group setting.
Spaces limited to 15. Fee 250HKD (after first complimentary session). See email for further details.
Fall 2019 dates:
September, 6:30-9pm - T(w)een Refresher - Date & Location TBD
September, 9:30am-12pm - Tiny Acorns Refresher (0-6) - Date & Location TBD
Facebook Community Forum
All graduates of the P.E.T. course are invited to join a closed Facebook group. Parents welcome this space to do the following:
Celebrating successes
Getting feedback before or after they've used a skill
Reviewing the concepts
Picking each others’ brains
Active Listening each other
Parents Tapping Circle
I am currently not running this but if you would like to book a private session to learn Emotional Freedom Technique email or text me at 9440 0758.
The "P.E.T. Vitamins" Blog
Graduates can benefit from my regular posts showing how the P.E.T. paradigm and skills can help us parent in a way that gains us closeness and lasting influence with our children. Reading about real-life scenarios and breaking them down the P.E.T. way is fortifying!
For past participants who feel they would benefit from work on specific issues they are facing in their families, I am available to meet one on one.
I can help you to frame the problem in terms of the P.E.T. Behavior Window and to practice the corresponding skills through roleplaying.
I will Active Listen so that you may gain insight and a shift in energy that helps you to become the parent you want to be.
For those interested, I can use and share the resources of Emotional Freedom Technique and Matrix Reimprinting. Not only can these help you in the parenting context but you can share the powerful techniques with your children.
Hourly fee: 1100 HKD.